About the 24/7 prayer movement

The world does not need more words. It doesn't need a busier church, nor does it need -- God help us -- a better-branded gospel. What the world needs are people... who have spent so much time in the presence of God that their very life has become a form of blessing.
           - Punk Monk: New Monasticism and the Ancient Art of Breathing, Andy Freeman and Peter Greig

God is calling people around the world to pray. We encourage you to surf this website to see how God is moving. There are some other resources you can read too that will help you prepare for the Prayer Project. But really, all you need to do is pray and we hope you choose to do it with us, anytime day or night over the Easter weekend at Kortright Presbyterian Church.

This site is a good place to start your investigation of the 24/7 prayer movement.

Many of us grew up believing that every prayer should start with "dear" and end with "amen." People around the world are discovering otherwise. Check out these dudes.

Want more? Read Punk Monk or Red Moon Rising.

Other good books on prayer:
- Books by Dutch Sheets